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"Advancing the interests of Caribbean-Americans"
ICS is dedicated to building bridges between Caribbean Americans and the US population at large. Together with partner organizations from industry, government and civil society, our objective is to provide education and advocacy and action on issues impacting Caribbean peoples to enable their thrival, growth, and prosperity in the ever changing global marketplace. ICS goal is to accelerate the investment of Caribbean diaspora mentor, relationship and financial capital in order to promote inclusive and sustainable growth across the transnational economic space.
ICS has established and will continue to develop partnerships and collaborative relationships with local and national organizations in the US and the Caribbean, such as National Medical Association, National Minority Suppliers Development Council, the NAACP, the Caribbean American Chamber of Commerce and Industry, National Education Association; Global Rights Law Group, World Bank/IMF Caribbean Staff Association, Caribbean Research Center, and the Caribbean Policy Development Center to meet its objectives. ICS has also partnered with the Black Leadership Forum, the National Coalition on Black Civic Participation, the Black Women's Roundtable, and the African American Unity Caucus.