Since 1993, the Institute of Caribbean Studies has remained a trusted, nonpartisan voice for Caribbean Americans.
We serve through our research, policy analysis, advocacy, education, as well as in our action. We partner with organizations and institutions as needed to service our vision of inclusive prosperity and sustainable economic development of Caribbean societies. We recognize that these goals are enabled throuh promoting civic engagement in the Caribbean diaspora.
Every day members of the Caribbean diaspora contribute to shared prosperity here in the USA as well as in the Caribbean region. They contribute to America's wellbeing through their participation in all walks of life from the military to the board rooms, to the school rooms as the strive to make better lives for themselves, their families, and their communities. They also contribute to the wellbeing and welfare of the Caribbean region through remittances of treasures, time and talent to families and schools and churches they left behind.
We at ICS envision Caribbean societies where economic, political, and social advancement is a reality for all, and where all peoples thrive. We envision a SMART Caribbean - where S means sustainable systems, M-meaningful metrics, A-agile and adapatability, R- robust resilience, T - transformational technology.
To that end, ICS pledges its suipport for UN Agenda 3030 - the Sustainable Development Goals as a key driver for our work.